The 21st Century Empath

Rebel Priestess
5 min readFeb 5, 2021

Empaths have the unusual instincts of a sixth sense. They are sensitive human like beings that have abilities that go beyond the conventional physical experience. The day that my empathic abilities were discovered, I was under the powers of self discovery, and the realization of what I felt was the intuitive emotional psychology within my own mind.

What is An Empath?

Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who have the ability to feel, know, and sense what others experience.

Empath Angel

My Empathic abilities saved my unresolved pain and hurt from deep emotional anguish that uncovered wounds that were inspired by my child hood. Upon my spiritual awakening, of having a break down, and becoming extremely over whelmed by the woes of work, marriage, parenting, and life, it all of a sudden clicked. A light of clarity came into my awareness, I was suddenly informed by the knowledge of my internal abilities. My empathic intelligence gave me the strength to take my power back from the fears that haunted me everyday of my life.

These fears and illusions of not being good enough, misunderstood, social anxiety, and the inability to communicate, there was now an answer, a solution that only the enlightening experience of my awakening could only provide. I knew at that moment I was more than just a Human, but I had super natural intelligence, and it was something that only myself and the small support group of others like myself, knew I had. Empaths are a code name for those who have higher evolved Divine senses, many would call theses people witches, wizards, magicians, but that’s not it at all. Really these individuals are highly Angelic and well in tuned to the Cosmic forces of occult realities.

My life as an empath day to day, is one of adventure, insight, and the many travels through the unknown. My gifts have grown even stronger, as I have trained my mind, to accept the powers given to me, from the Universe. My super powers have given me the freedom that I now use to sense what is good and what is not so good for the journey through Life. Now when someone is telling a lie, I don’t second guess myself, but I trust my intuitive intelligence.

When I feel overwhelmed in a crowded space, I grab hold of my crystals for grounding instead of having a social panic attack. There are so many just to name a few, that one can do to embrace their empathic ability, but the very first thing, is to accept that you have a more in tune awareness to what is around you. Not allowing people to judge you or call you crazy for the way you think, is also a power you have, and using this in a healthy way, you avoid people who are not sensitive to who you are.

We live in the 21st century, and that means more and more information is available to us in so many forms, that there is no reason why one must feel alone in this world of non empathic people. There is now a safe space, to unleash the emotions of how you feel, by sharing your own experience, creating social media blogs, joining spiritual groups, purchasing books, that support your reality, are very helpful. In the last few hundred years, there was such a bad reputation surrounding these abilities that have been mentioned, much persecution, and at its worse, people were killed for being different. In this current dispensation of time, there is a protection that exist to allow Empaths to be themselves, and to heal others, and be a guiding light for the world.

Empaths Are Modern Day Angels

Angels are messengers, they are a light that is used in the wake of darkness. Sometimes they incarnate at a time when Humanity is at its darkest hour of destruction. Angelic host are here to remind mankind that life is still worth living; and that the beauty we long for is in all of our hearts. Empaths have this light within their energy field that brings calmness, and peace to chaotic situations. They are not always aware that they are Angels, Angels are just an ancient term used to describe heightened sense of the unexplainable. In the 21st Century we call them Empaths.

Empaths are the modern day Angels of society. Although masked in roles such as parents, wife, business owners, Artist, etc. They still serve a purpose, that is to energetically keep the earth and its inhabitants in alignment. Many empaths feel as if they have a Divine Purpose such as myself, feeling like my duty is to bring balance, and spiritual awareness to a hurting and toxic world. I no longer feel the need to hide who I am, but to shine forth, and take my role serious, to help the collective unconscious to become more aware of the Divine role the Universe plays in all of our lives. The journey isn't easy all the time, its not always bright and shiny, but what has given me comfort is knowing now I have turned my fears and gifts into a power, that I would never regret the pain I endured in discovering I am an Empath.

The goal in my mission to humanity is to bring awareness to all those who have one empath in their life. You know the one, who you feel is a crier, or gets upset at the slightest change, or the one who gets overwhelmed in big crowds, or maybe the one who makes you feel better after a tough time. Well these are just a few examples, but there is an Empath in every family, job, school, culture, they come in all shades and genders, and at best, is wanting a safe place to retreat within society, to develop, explore, and be the Divine Spark in such a troubled reality. Keep an awareness after reading this, knowing that Empaths are needed, and we should appreciate their wisdom, and sixth sense, because it just might save your life!!!!



Rebel Priestess

Greetings, I am The Rebel Priestess! I am a Spiritualist and BLK Cultural Artist! My writing is inspired by African American Folk Lore!